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How To Measure

Measuring Basics for a Great Fit

Getting an item customized shouldn't be difficult, which is why we made our order form as intuitive as possible. Of course, we realize that not everyone has as much measuring experience as we do, so we're here to help! 

Here are a few tips to ensure your order is as accurate as possible. Follow these simple instructions, and you should be able to nail it!

Measuring Rectangular Spaces

For simplicity’s sake, we’re going to refer to any four-sided shape, with two sets of parallel sides and four 90-degree corners as a rectangle, so a perfect square would also fall into this category.

As you might expect, most of the items we create for drawers, shelves, tables, desks, flooring spaces, and more, are four-sided. While we'd all like to think that our cabinetry is perfectly made, and every space it perfectly symmetrical, that’s not always the case and can affect the fit of a liner/mat.

When measuring any surface that appears to be a rectangle, it's important to know that any single shelf in any given cabinet or drawer stack is often the same size as the others (this is not always the case, so if you believe you have irregular dimensions, please read on). To confirm if this is the case, you can measure a couple of cabinets or vertical drawer stacks - you may find that you only need to measure one shelf or drawer in each stack. 

Occasionally, however, there are small imperfections in the dimensions. For instance, when cabinets and drawers are built, there can be slight bowing of a side or slight variations in the length of two opposite sides of the unit - this can make the shape slightly irregular. But, there’s any easy way to adjust for that!

How to make sure you get the measurements right!

  1. First, always measure the surface length and width at two sets of opposing points. This will help ensure you detect any possible differences in a shape if the space is not exactly symmetrical.
  2. When measuring enclosed spaces like cabinet shelves or a drawers, in the event you find that one measurement in a dimension (i.e., length or width) is different from the second (and if it is, it will likely be very slight), always use the shorter dimension to create the respective length or width of the rectangle. Note: when measuring liners (enclosed spaces) we recommend your reducing each dimension by 1/8” (both length and width) to ensure an easy drop-in fit. 

Selecting the Right Finish

ExactMats currently offers a variety of material styles/finishes.  

The major considerations for selecting the right material are pretty simple:

  • Where will you be using it?
  • How will you be using it?
  • How do you want it to look?

In general:

  • Riverstone is our most popular style for shelf and drawer liners and in spaces where more airflow or a reversible finish is desired. It's also ideal for hiding existing surface damage. It is clear and strong, yet it allows the underlying surface color or grain to show through. The subtle, pebble-like texture (with a smooth finish on the reverse side) also increases its friction to reduce the likelihood of items sliding on it. 
  • Crystal is most popular for uses where 100% glass-like clarity is desired and there is a limited likelihood of scratching, like on entertainment centers or other showcase pieces (non-glossy surfaces). While it does not identically duplicate the look of glass, it can look very similar. 

Note: Both materials have the same chemical composition, strength, and sound-dampening qualities. While vinyl is not hard like glass, it is far more forgiving than glass, especially related to its impact absorption and sound-dampening properties (very helpful for situations such as an accidental knocking over of glassware). 

Choosing Your Shape

Choose the overall shape you would like your mat/liner produced in. This is not corner shape (additional corner shape options will become available on applicable shapes). We currently offer multiple shapes to choose from, such as "Square", "Rectangle", "Circe", "Stadium/Capsule", and "Oval". 

Note: Certain selections may add or remove fields within the order form. This is completely normal – our form only shows what is required to produce a mat/liner. For instance, if selecting the “Square” shape, you will only be required to enter one dimension (we will automatically apply the same measurement on the 2nd dimension). Similarly, when selecting the “Circle” shape, you will only be required to enter the diameter of the circle.  

Need a different shape? No problem, we can help! Just reach out to us and we'll work with you to create the perfect solution!

Choosing Your Corners

The flexible nature of ExactMats products is such that they can be trimmed in a variety of ways, to each client’s liking. Here are our recommendations on what you may want to consider for corner cuts.

While you may request other corner shapes/trims, common choices are:

  • 90 degree, squared (hard) corners are our default corner shape, unless otherwise specified. This trim is ideal for those who would like a standard-shaped product to fit their surfaces with 90 degree, hard corners. 

  • 1/8" rounded corners is another option. This trim style will leave a little gap in the corners and will provide a very small “lift” corner for easier removal in tighter spaces. This option is most ideal for shelf/drawer liners and surfaces with rounded corners. It adds a very finished look, too. 

  • Cut corners are also available. This trim style allows for diagonally cut corners and is most ideal for surfaces with this unique shape. 

Filling Out The Order Form

Each order form has several columns that make it easy for you to place your order. Below is an explanation of each column.  

    1. Label: This column will automatically assign a letter, or combination of letters, to each item you describe. This identifier will be used to indicate exactly where each specific item belongs, making installation a breeze. In the event you have multiple pieces being made for the same size and location (i.e., dish cabinets), you needn’t enter each piece separately. Just enter the number of items your want in that size under “Quantity” and we will create your order accordingly.

    2. Room: Just as it sounds, you would enter the room (ie: "kitchen", "bedroom", etc.)  This will help you in sorting the items by room prior to installing. To make ordering easier, when you enter your first room (ie: “kitchen”) our software will continue to maintain the same room name for each subsequent item unless you change the room name. Note: If you’re only working in one room, this area needn’t be completed.

    3. Location: This column allows you to indicate what exact location within the specified room the item will be placed (ie: "drawer under microwave"). In combination with the room description, this field will help you to know exactly what drawer, cabinet, or other surface the item is intended for, within the room you’ve assigned.

    4. Finish: Use this column to indicate the type of material to be used. We currently offer a wide range of options. We suggest making a finish decision by reviewing our comparison guide here

    5. Overall Shape: Use this column to indicate the overall shape you would like your mat(s) or liner(s) to be created in. We offer multiple options to choose from. 

    6. Corners: On applicable shapes, use this column to indicate your corner preference. Corner shape will automatically default to a squared corner. If you prefer rounded corners or cut corners, simply indicate your choice. 

    7. Long Edge (Length) / Short Edge (Width): This space is used in to determine precisely what dimensions and sizes we will produce for any line item/entry. Some shapes may require both length and width, while others may only require one dimension. 

    8. Quantity: In this column, you’ll enter the number of pieces needed for each line item/entry. As mentioned above, if you have three shelves within the same cabinet, which are the same size, you simply enter the dimensions once and the corresponding quantity.